Cloud Server – Everything you need to know

Cloud Server

What is a cloud server?

A cloud server is a virtual server that is hosted in a data centre with Microsoft and can be accessed remotely through the internet. Cloud server is a virtual machine, SSD based storage and a static IP address to get you up and running and it’s designed for small to medium-sized businesses.

Why make the move to the cloud?

We come across a lot of businesses that question the need for them to move to the cloud but the chances are our customers are already using the cloud. A lot of customers already use online backup, online storage, hosted email, Office 365 with third-party vendors.

Small businesses tend to store their data on small business servers that are physically located at the office. If you wish to expand your business, you may find you need to buy more physical hardware which can become expensive to run and maintain.

But I already have servers in-house, can I still use these?

Absolutely! We can create a hybrid approach which links your existing infrastructure to your new Cloud Server so you get the best of both worlds. We understand that some clients may wish to hold their data on-site while having other key IT services hosted in the cloud.

6 ways moving to the cloud could benefit your business

Flexible costs

On-site hardware requires you to invest a large amount of money up front to pay for a physical server, cooling, and maintenance costs. With a cloud server, you can easily spread the investment costs, moving your capital expenses to operating expenses.

No more end of life support

Replacing servers that have reached their end of support life cycle can be a costly investment every 3-5 years. Opting for a cloud server means you get continuous updates, patches, and maintenance with no need to replace aging hardware.

A faster way to recover data

If the worst happens and your business falls victim to a cyber-attack, with on-site hardware it can take several hours or days to get your data back, depending on how it has been backed up. With a cloud server, you can easily restore data from the latest backup taken so your business suffers less downtime.

Access your data from anywhere

All you need is an internet connection and a way to connect using a virtual private connection (VPN) to work from any location. Working on the go has never been easier.

Safely protect your data

Protecting your on-site servers from severe risks like fires and floods, or ensuring they meet UK data protection standard and compliance models is a tough ask for smaller businesses. Since data is hosted in the cloud, Microsoft takes care of this for you, giving you peace of mind.

Scale on demand

A breakdown of on-site hardware could cost you more in the long run. A fixed cost Cloud Server can settle those doubts and enable you to scale without breaking the bank.

So, if you are looking to take advantage of the cloud have your next server hosted, then please get in touch with us.


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