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Split Recommendation

Use Split Recommendation to split an individual recommendation into multiple smaller recommendations for the same total quantity.  This is useful, for example, when you want to turn a recommendation into several call-off orders, or for a phased delivery.

You can set the individual quantities and dates on each split; all other details are the same.


Outcomes of splitting recommendations

When a split is confirmed:

  • The quantity of the original recommendation is reduced to the quantity on the top line of the split screen.
  • New recommendations are created for each additional line added to the split.
  • New recommendations are visible on the MRP List View – Recommendations list. They can be actioned as normal.

How to Split a Recommendation

Open: Cim200 Planning > MRP List View | Recommendations

Select a recommendation to amend.

Select Split Recommendation

  1. Adjust the Quantity on the top line in the grid, then tab to amend dates if required.
  2. A new line is automatically added below, for the remaining quantity.
  3. Tab or click in the new line to amend the quantity and dates. If the quantity is reduced on the new line, another new line is added for the remaining quantity.
  4. Once all the split details have been entered, click Split to confirm the changes.

Note: The total quantity for all splits must equal the quantity of the original recommendation

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