

An alternative to the Traceability ‘List View’, is the Traceability ‘Tree View’, which is available from the Enquiry feature. This provides details of receipts and usage of individual traceable records.

The screen is broken down into the following sections and the fields within them are described below:

Search Details

You can use the Search Type field to select from the following fields, Batch/Serial Number, Stock Code, Purchase Order Number, Sales Order Number, Works Order Number, Customer and Supplier. Once the field type has been selected and a search value has been entered, clicking the Search button will display the relevant Traceable records matched.

The ‘Wildcard Search’ option can be checked if you want to search for partial matches of the Search Value entered.

Traceability Details

Once the Traceable record or records have been selected, these will be displayed in a tree view. In the first instance, this displays the Stock Item and Description, moving down to the Traceable record identifier (Batch/Serial Number), then to the Receipt that created the Traceable record, followed by its usages.

Under the Receipts and Usages can be found the Purchase Order, Works Order, Sales Order or Stock Transaction that created or downdated the receipt or usage. These will have the Details, Date and Qty fields populated with the relevant data that corresponds to the transaction, for example a purchase receipt would display the Purchase Order Number under the ‘Receipts’, the ‘Details’ will be populated with the Supplier Name, ‘Date’ will show the transaction date of the receipt and the ‘Qty’ would show the quantity received.

To expand and collapse the tree view you can click on the plus and minus icons next to each record entry.

Expand All, Collapse All, View Item and Close

At the bottom of the screen there is the ability to fully Expand and Collapse the Tree View.

To gain a more in-depth insight into the Traceable record and the transactions shown, there is the ability to view these by clicking the View Item button. This will open a Traceable Record, Sage 50 Accounts Purchase Order, Sage 50 Accounts Sales Order or Works Order depending on the reference and type of transaction selected.

Note: The relevant access rights need to be granted in Sage 50 and Cim50. Sage 50 Accounts will also need to be open to access Sales and Purchase Orders.

Use the Close button to exit the screen.

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