
Quarantine Tab

The Quarantine tab details the Quarantine information of the Traceable Item Record.

If the Traceable Item record has not been Quarantined, the section heading will be greyed out.

The screen is broken down into the following sections and the fields within them are described below:

Quarantine Status

These fields will be populated when a Traceable Item record is transferred to Quarantine on Goods Receipt, Transfer to Quarantine, Bill of Material Build or Works Order Completion.

Status: The overall status of the Traceable Item record in Quarantine.

Quantity in Quarantine: The number of the Traceable Item record in Quarantine.

Quarantined By: The user who quarantined the Traceable Item Record on receipt of goods or transfer.

Quarantine Date: The date when the Traceable Item record was quarantined.

Reason for Quarantine: The reason the Traceable Item record was quarantined i.e. Goods Receipt or found damaged in the stores.

Inspection Details

These fields will be populated when a Traceable Item record is inspected within the Stock Control Quarantine feature.

Quantity Inspected: The number of the Traceable Item record booked into Quarantine that has been inspected.

Quantity Passed: The number of the Traceable Item record booked into Quarantine that has been inspected, have passed, and transferred to free stock.

Quantity Rejected: The number of the Traceable Item record booked into Quarantine that has been inspected but failed, and not transferred to free stock.

Inspection Number: The Inspection Number entered or generated when the Traceable Item record was inspected.

Certificate Number: The Certificate Number entered when the Traceable Item record was inspected.

Issue Status: The Issue Status entered when the Traceable Item record was inspected.

Inspected By: The user who inspected the Traceable Item record.

Inspected Date: The date the Traceable Item record was inspected.

Inspection Notes

This field will be populated when a Traceable Item record is inspected within the Stock Control Quarantine feature.

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