Reverse Works Order Completion
The Reverse Completion screen can be used to issue a completed quantity back out of stock to reduce its stock holding and increase the Quantity Outstanding on the Works Order.
Each completion of the order can be reversed in full or just in part.
Use this screen to set details of the reverse completion, including the quantity to reverse and the reversal date.
Reversing Completions
Open: Works Orders > Works Order List.
- Select the works order you want to reverse complete.
- Select the Reverse Completion button above the list view.
From the menu:
Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Processing > Reverse Complete
- Select the Works Order to reverse from the drop-down list.
1. Select from the list of completions that have been recorded for the order. If the order has been completed multiple times, there will be a separate line for each completion.
- The Qty Complete shows the quantity originally completed; the Qty Reversed shows the quantity previously reversed.
- The In Stock Qty shows item free stock quantity in the location and bin it was completed into.
2. To reverse a completion, double-click on the line or select the line and click Reverse.
3. On the Reverse Works Order Completion screen, enter the Qty to Reverse.
4. The Available to Reverse quantity shows how many can be reversed.
- This will be lower than the Qty Complete if this completion has previously been reversed, or the item’s free stock quantity is lower than the Qty Complete in the location the completion was made into.
5. The Reverse Completion Date will default to today’s date but can be overwritten.
6. If the item is traceable, click on Select Batch Number(s) or Select Serial Number(s) to enter the traceable details to be reversed back out of stock.
7. Click Confirm to complete the reversal. Click Cancel to exit the reversal without saving.
See also
Other tasks