
Home > Knowledgebase > Cim200 > Stock Control > Enquiries > Stock Profile

Stock Profile

This shows the total quantity in stock, the allocated quantity, Quarantine quantity, the quantity on Sales, Purchase and Works orders, and in WIP for the selected item.

It also gives order details for any On Order quantities, and Stock Projection based either on Real Time information or current MRP information.

The Stock Figure Details area will only display orders where the item is currently on order/in quarantine/in transit.

If you are using multiple locations, you can filter the results by Warehouse location.

If you are not using multiple locations, the system warehouse Home is displayed to show the stock quantities for the item.

Items that have been returned to the supplier are displayed for the Returns warehouse.

Stock balances are not applicable for phantom BOM built items.

Open: Stock Control > Enquiries > Stock Profile

1. Select the Stock item.

2. Click on Options to see and amend settings which determine whether the profile includes Pro Forma Invoices, Sales Orders with On Hold status, or Unauthorised Purchase Orders.

3. To view summary order details of each order type or stock projection, click on the corresponding radio button.

4. To view an order on the list, select the order and click View.

5. To refresh the information on screen click Refresh.

6. To extract Stock Figures and Stock Figure Details for the item into Excel click Export to Excel.

Stock Figures

Stock Qty : The quantity currently held in stock.

Allocated Qty : The quantity allocated to Sales/Works Orders.

Free Stock Qty : The stock quantity not allocated to a Sales/Works Orders.

PO Qty : The total quantity outstanding on Purchase Orders.

SO Qty : The total quantity outstanding – not allocated or despatched – on Sales Orders.

Outstanding WO Qty : The total quantity outstanding to be manufactured.

WIP Qty : The total quantity currently issued to work in progress.

Quarantine Qty : The total quantity currently held in Quarantine.

Goods in Transit Qty : The total quantity currently in Goods In Transit.

Stock Figure Details

Purchase Orders : Outstanding Purchase Orders for the current stock item, including Order Number, Supplier details, Requested Date and Ordered, Received, Invoiced & On Order quantities.

Sales Orders : Outstanding Sales Orders for the current stock item, including the Order Number, Customer details, Promised Delivery Date and Ordered, Allocated, Despatched and Invoiced quantity.

WO Demand : Works Orders that will use the current stock item as part of their manufacture. Details include Works Order Number, BOM Reference, Due Date and Quantity analysis.

Outstanding WO : Outstanding Works Orders for the current stock item that are due to be manufactured. Details include the Order Number, Order Status, Due Date and Quantity analysis.

Quarantine : Stock currently held in Quarantine. Details include the Order Reference, Quantity analysis, who quarantined the item and when.

Goods In Transit : Outstanding Goods In Transit entries for the current stock item. Details include the From and To Warehouse, GIT References and Quantity analysis.

Real Time Stock Projection : A projection of live Order demands and replenishments, with a projected stock on hand running balance, based on expected order receipt & issue dates and quantities.

MRP Stock Projection : A projection of Order demands, replenishments, and recommendations, with a projected stock on hand running balance, based on the current MRP.



The Commercials tab provides historical trading values, which include information about purchases, manufactured items as well as sold, and issued quantities and values. These values are displayed monthly, allowing users to track and analyze trading activities over time.


By default, the Commercials tab shows the historical trading values for the last 12 months. However, users have the option to select any financial year from a drop-down menu. This flexibility allows for the analysis of trading data within specific time periods of interest or relevance.


Cost Price history displays a graphical representation of cost price changes during the selected period. This provides a visual overview of how the cost price of items has fluctuated over time, aiding in cost analysis.


The inclusion of historical trading values and cost price history within the Commercials tab offers valuable insights into the financial performance and cost dynamics of the business. Users can track sales, purchases, and manufacturing activities, as well as analyze cost trends to make informed decisions regarding pricing, procurement, and financial planning

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