
Home > Knowledgebase > Cim50 > Stock Control > Settings > Traceability Settings

Traceability Settings

Within this section of the Stock Control Settings you can enable Traceability throughout the Cim50 solution and set the defaults used when entering a new stock item.

There are various reasons to enable Traceability against a Stock Item record in Cim50, including the need to record stock movements against Batch or Serial numbers, as well as the Stock Item itself; use stock in anything other than FIFO (First In First Out) ; hold stock in multiple Bin Locations; record ‘Use By’ and ‘Sell By’ dates and record/view a breakdown of actual costs for Material, Labour, Machine, Setup, Sub-Contract and Tooling cost types for manufactured stock items.

The screen is broken down into the following sections and the fields within them are described below:

Stock Traceability Settings

Enable Traceability: This setting enables traceability in the system.

Using traceability will enable you to record traceable information on an individual batch or serial number. Any stock movement involving a traceable item will require you to specify the specific batch or serial number being processed in that movement.

Enabling traceability in the system does not mean that all stock records must use traceability. You can enable/disable traceability on an item by item basis.

Warning: As per the ‘Important Note’ on this screen, once traceability has been enabled in the system, it cannot be switched off again. There are various tables setup and links made in the background that cannot be undone.

Traceability Defaults

Next Batch/Serial Number: The next batch/serial number to be used.

Batch/Serial Number Padding Length: The padding length you would like applied to the generated batch/serial number.

Batch/Serial Number Prefix: The prefix you would like applied to the generated batch/serial number. For example, ‘GRN’. This can be up to 10 Characters in length.

Batch/Serial Number Suffix: The suffix you would like applied to the generated batch/serial number. This can be up to 10 Characters in length.

Note: The overall combined lengths of the Suffix and Prefix cannot exceed 10 in total, for example a 5 character prefix and 5 character suffix.

A further explanation of these fields will be covered in the Cim50 Stock Record section.

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