
Adjust Operation Costs

Use this screen to adjust any actual operation times, timesheets or additional costs booked against a Works Order.

Booked costs can be adjusted at any stage of the order, prior to it being Closed.

For operation times and timesheets, both the booked times and their rates can be adjusted.

For Additional costs, all details can be changed.


Open: Works Orders > Works Order List

  • Select the works order you want to adjust.
  • Select the Adjust Costs button above the list view.

From the menu:

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Processing > Operational Costs > Adjust Costs

  • Select the Works Order from the drop-down list.


1. The list of all booked costs is displayed.

Cost Type : The type of cost – either Operation time (including Timesheets) or Additional cost.

Op .Seq. No : The sequence number of the operation.

Operation Reference : The reference of the operation the booking was recorded against.

Operation Description : The description of the operation the booking was recorded against.

Date : The date of the booking.

Qty Completed : Displayed for Additional costs only, this is the cost quantity.

Cost : The cost recorded for the booking.


2. Select a cost to adjust, then click Amend.



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