
Scrap Component

To scrap a component from a works order, press the Scrap Component button from the main menu.

You will be presented with the following screen, where you should input or scan the works order number you wish to scrap components from:

You will then be presented with the following screen:

Scan in the stock code or batch/serial number barcode that you wish to scrap.

If you scan an item that has not been issued on the works order, you will receive the following message:

Similarly, if you scan a barcode for an item that has been used in a completion, you will be unable to scrap it and will receive the following error message:

Once you have scanned a valid barcode, you will be taken through to the following screen:

This screen details the works order information, component info, how many are in WIP, and how many are in free stock.

Enter the quantity you would like to scrap into the Scrap Qty box.

Note: You cannot scrap more than is in WIP, as indicated in the WIP Qty field.

Should you wish to re-issue the stock that you are scrapping, enter the quantity desired into the ‘Re-issue Qty’ field.

Note: You cannot re-issue more than is available in free stock, as indicated in the Free Stock field. You also cannot re-issue more than you are scrapping.

Select a scrap reason code from the Scrap Code drop down, and enter any notes desired into the Scrap Reason box.

Press Confirm to scrap the components.

If you chose to re-issue any scrapped stock, you will be presented with the Works Order Issue screen, where you can scan in the items you wish to issue.

Otherwise, you will then be returned to the main menu.

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