
Update Count

Once the stock has been counted and the Count Sheets or Excel Export have been be completed, these can be updated via the Update Count feature, automatically making the necessary stock adjustments.

With a Stocktake Count highlighted, selecting the Update Count feature will give you the following screen:

The screen is broken down into the following sections, with the fields, and buttons described below:

Update Count Figures

Count Reference: This is the Count Reference entered or generated when the Count was created.

Items Counted By: Enter the name of the person counting the stock or entering the Count figures.

Counted on: The date the stock was counted on.

Hide counted Items: If count figures have previously been entered, these can be hidden to reduce the current list.

Quick Search: This provides the ability to search for specific records across all columns in the grid, based on the text entered in the Quick Search field.

Count List: The fields detailed with the Count List include the Stock Code, Batch/Serial Number, Location, Expected Quantity, Count Quantity, Variance and Counted By.

Only the Count Qty field can be updated, which turns green, once data has been entered. Any variances will automatically calculate based on the difference between the Expected and the Count Qty. This will be colour coded Blue for a positive variance, and Red for a negative variance.

The ‘Counted By’ field will be populated once the count has been saved or updated

Save Progress

The Save Progress button will return you to the Stocktake Management Screen and the Count will have a Status of Part Complete.

When the Update Count button is selected, the previous figures entered will be updated with a ‘Counted By’ reference and the ‘Hide Counted Items’ can be used to reduce the list, to those items that still require Count Quantities entering.

Import Count Figures

To import a completed Excel spreadsheet that was previously exported, the Import Count Figures button is used. This will provide the following screen allowing you to browse to the Excel file to Import and Validate.

Note: Depending on the size of the import spreadsheet this process could take time to complete, therefore you may wish to consider running this on the server.

Any issue will be reported in this list, detailing the Row and Error. For example, ‘Stock Code does not exist in Cim50’.

If there are no errors, the Import can proceed, and the data from the Excel spreadsheet will be imported into the ‘Update Count Figures’ list.

Note: The Excel Spreadsheet is exported with Zero in the Count Qty column, therefore, if this is not updated prior to the import, could result in a minus variance as shown above.

Update Count

Once Count Quantities have been entered, it is possible to update these by clicking the Update Count button.

Note: It is recommended that a Backup and Stock Valuation report is run prior and following updating a Stocktake, to allow differences to be accounted for.


Also, depending on the size of the Count this process could take time to complete, therefore you may wish to consider running this on the server.

If the ‘Items Counted By’ field is not completed, the following message will appear, asking for a name to be entered.

Assuming a name has been entered, the following ‘Complete Stocktake’ box will appear.

This allows you to confirm the date of the Stocktake and will be used for Stock transactions and Traceability History.

Finished entering the figures for this Stocktake? No: When the default No is selected, this enables Stock Items to be released from the Stocktake, leaving any uncounted Stock Items to have their Count Quantities entered and updated at a later date and the Count will remain at a Part Complete Status. This is useful if a Stock Item has gone missing and is expected to be found.

The following confirmation message will appear, advising that no future updates can be made to the Count Items (These will appear highlighted in Blue in the Count List).

You have the option to cancel the update of the Count Records.

If Yes is selected, the Stock transactions and Traceability history for the Count Records will be created, leaving the Count ‘Part Complete’.

Finished entering the figures for this Stocktake? Yes: If Yes is selected, the ‘Uncounted Items’ radio button becomes live with the following options:

Ignore: Only Count Records with Counted Quantities will be updated, and the Count will be marked as complete. The Count will then be moved to the ‘Historical Counts’ screen and list.

Set item Quantities to zero: This will assume that no Stock was found, and therefore the Stock Quantity will be set to zero for the Count Records that do not have a Count Quantity. Following confirmation, the Count will be marked as complete, and moved to the ‘Historical Counts’ screen.

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