
Amend Receipts

Within the ‘Receive Purchase Order’ feature is the option to amend a Purchase Order receipt, providing the ability to reverse any receipt made in error. This reversal can only be processed if the stock is still available and the PO line has not been invoice matched in Sage 50 Accounts.

The screen is broken down into two sections.

The ‘Amend Receipt’ section allows for a Purchase Order Number to be selected for amendment. When the Display button is clicked, all available lines that can be amended will be displayed within the receipt amendment grid with the fields as follows:

Order: The Purchase Order Number of the line being amended.

No: The Line Number of the Stock Item on the Purchase Order.

Product: This is the Stock Item on the Purchase Order Line being amended.

Description: The Description of the Stock Item.

Received: This is the total quantity of the Line that has been received into stock from the Purchase Order.

Available: The Quantity of the receipt that is available to be amended, i.e. no stock movements have taken place for the quantity received.

Adjust: The quantity you want to return to an ‘On Ordered’ status on the Purchase Order. For example, if you received 10, and you should have only received 9, the adjust quantity would be 1. If you received 10 when it should have been 0, you would enter 10 into the ‘Adjust’ quantity column.

Note: If stock is received into quarantine, it is considered available, if it remains in quarantine. Once it has been inspected through quarantine it will no longer be available to amend the receipt. If an item is not received into quarantine, it will be considered as available until such time as the stock is issued to a works order, despatched on a sales order, or manually adjusted out of stock.

For Traceable Items, the Batch or Serial Number to be adjusted will need to be selected from the following screen to select the required Traceable records. Please see Traceable Stock Adjustment (Adjust) for further details.

Once the Adjustment Total equals the Selected Quantity entered on the previous screen, the Confirm button will become active.

When the Confirm button is clicked, you will be returned to the ‘Amend Receipt’ screen, whilst the Cancel button will also return you to the ‘Amend Receipt’ screen, but as no Traceable Items are selected, the adjustment will not take place.

Once all the required adjustments have been entered, selecting the Confirm Amendment button will make all the necessary stock movements within the database. The adjusted stock will be removed and recorded in the Transaction History of the Stock Item & Traceable Item. Where applicable, the Quarantine Quantity awaiting inspection will be updated and the Purchase Order line will have the adjusted quantity placed back on order with the To Deliver quantity updated.

Transaction History:

Sage 50 Accounts Purchase Order Line:

The quantities will be adjusted back onto the Purchase Order and available to be received into stock again.

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