
Drawings Tab

The Drawing Register allows you to keep a record of documentation relating to manufactured items, such as technical design drawing.

Details include the drawing reference number, revision details, and the physical location of the drawing.

Drawings can then be cross-referenced to BOMs and Works Orders.

When Works Orders are created, drawing information is copied from the BOM.  This allows the drawing reference number and latest revision date to appear on your works order documentation.

You can cross-reference an order with multiple drawings.

Work with drawings

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Works Orders > Enter New Works Order | Drawings

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Works Orders > Amend Works Order | Drawings

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Works Orders > Amend Works Order (Elevated Privileges) | Drawings

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Enquiries > View Works Order | Drawings

Note: The View Works Order option allows you to view the orders but not amend them.


Add a drawing

  1. Click Add to add a drawing to the order.


Reference : Enter or select the drawing from the Drawing No. column drop-down list. DescriptionEffective From and Effective To are displayed automatically.

Description : Displays the drawing description.

Effective From : Displays an Effective From date for your drawing, taken from the Drawing record.

Effective To : Displays an Effective To date for your drawing, taken from the Drawing record.


  1. To view the drawing details, select the drawing and click View.

Note: You can amend the drawing record in the Drawing Register.


Delete a drawing

Note: If you delete a drawing, the drawing record in the Drawing Register will not be deleted.

  1. Select the drawing to delete.
  2. Click Delete.


View a drawing

  1. Select the drawing to view.
  2. Click View Drawing.


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