
Audit Log Tab

The Audit Log is maintained automatically as changes are made to a Works Order, to provide a log of all changes that have been made in the Amend Works Order screen and any changes to the order status.

The log keeps a record of each field that has been changed and the value it was changed from and changed to.  In addition, it records when the change was made, and by whom.


View Audit Log changes

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Works Orders > Amend Works Order | Analysis Codes

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Works Orders > Amend Works Order (Elevated Privileges) | Analysis Codes

Open: Cim200 Works Orders > Works Orders > View Works Order | Analysis Codes


This tab lists all changes made to order, including the initial order creation :


Date/Time : When the change was made.

User : The Sage username that made the change.

Field : The data field that was changed, or the record type that was added.

Old Value : The value in the data field before the change.

New Value : The value that the data field was changed to.


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