
Home > Knowledgebase > Cim50 > Bill of Materials > Settings > Costing Settings

Costing Settings

Within this section of the BOM Settings, you can determine defaults and processing settings that will be used when costing a Bill of Material.

The screen is broken down into the following sections, and the fields within them are described below:

Costing Settings

Default Quantity: This setting specifies the default costing quantity for a new bill of material.

Default mark-up percentage: This setting specifies the default mark-up percentage for a new bill of material.

Costing basis: This setting determines whether component stock will be costed based on its average cost price, or the last cost price.

Roll-up costs: This setting determines whether non-material costs from sub-assemblies are broken down individually and reflected in the total category cost for the top level, or if they are reflected in the material price for the top level.

Post Unit Cost: This setting determines whether the ‘Last Cost Price’ is updated on the stock record, once a BOM costing session has taken place.

Sub-Assembly setup amortisation basis: This setting determines how the system deals with setup costs from sub-assemblies when costing a BOM.

  • Default Quantity: The sub-assembly setup cost will be calculated based on setup time and hourly charge rate, then divided by the default cost quantity from the sub-assembly to get the setup cost per 1, that figure is then multiplied by the quantity required for the costing session taking place.
  • Reorder Quantity: The sub-assembly setup cost will be calculated based on setup time and hourly charge rate, then divided by the sub-assembly stock record re-order quantity to get the setup cost per 1, that figure is then multiplied by the quantity required for the costing session taking place.
  • Quantity Required from BOM: The sub-assembly setup cost will be calculated based on setup time and hourly charge rate, then apportioned across the quantity required for the costing session taking place.

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