
Home > Knowledgebase > Cim200 > Works Orders > Processing > Amend Stock Allocation > About Amending Works Order Stock Allocations

About Amending Works Order Stock Allocations

If the Allocate Stock option is enabled in Works Order Settings, component stock can be allocated to each order before being issued, but it isn’t a mandatory stage.

Whilst stock is still allocated to a Works Order, the allocations can be amended or removed if required.

Use the Amend Works Order Stock Allocations screen to reduce allocated quantities or remove them.

If any components are traceable, this screen can also be used to change the traceable numbers which have been allocated to the Works Order.

Note: Only allocated component lines are displayed on screen.


Amending allocations for a works order


Open: Works Orders > Works Order List

  • In the Works Order List, select the works order you want to amend allocations for.
  • Select the Amend Allocation button above the list view.

From the menu:

Open: Works Orders > Processing > Amend Stock Allocation

  • Select the Works Order Number from the drop-down list.


To reduce allocation quantity for a non-traceable item

1. Select the component line to be amended.

2. Select the Reduce Allocation… This opens the Amend Allocation for Item… screen.


To reduce allocation quantity for a batch traceable item

1. Select the component line to be amended.

2. Select the Amend Allocation… button.  This opens the Batch Details for Item… screen.

3. Set the New Allocation quantity to reduce to. This cannot be greater than the Current Allocation value.

4. Enter a Description for the amendment if required.

5. Untick the batch numbers to unallocate, or reduce the Qty Allocated on affected lines, until the total Batch quantities selected matches the Total quantity at the bottom.

6. Click OK to save changes or Cancel to exit without saving.


To reduce allocation quantity for a serialised item

1. Select the component line to be amended.

2. Select the Amend Allocation… button.  This opens the Serial Details for Item… screen.

3. Set the New Allocation quantity to reduce to.  This cannot be greater than the Current Allocation value.

4. Enter a Description for the amendment if required.

5. Untick the serial numbers to unallocate, until the total Serial quantities selected matches the Total quantity at the bottom.

6. Click OK to save changes or Cancel to exit without saving.


To amend batch / serial number allocations

Use this screen to amend the batch or serial numbers allocated to the order, without changing the overall quantity of the component allocation.

1. Select the component line to be amended.

2. Select the Amend Batch / Serial Allocations… button. This opens the Batch Details or Serial Details screen, depending on the traceable type of the item.


To remove an allocation

1. Select the component line to remove.

2. Click the Remove Allocation… button.

3. The Remove Allocation window appears.


To remove all allocations

1. Click the Remove Allocation… button to remove all component allocations and set the allocated quantity back to zero for all selected lines.

2. Click Yes to save and remove all allocations.

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