
Operation Time Capture

Operation Times are captured via Cim200 SFDC in real time. Users should log on to a job when they start and log off once the job has been completed. The system will automatically calculate the time elapsed between the job start and finished and will book the time and associated costs to the job.

To process an operation booking, press the Operations button from the main menu.

Assuming you are not currently logged on to a job, you will be presented with a list of works orders and operations that are currently outstanding.

To log on to a job, scan the operation barcode from the route/job sheet, or select the relevant operation from the list view and press Confirm. You will then be taken through to the operation processing screen.

Note: If you were already logged on to a job, you would be taken straight to this screen without the need to scan an operation first.

This screen lists the jobs you are currently logged on to/working on. The grid details the works order and operation details, along with the time you logged on to the job.

Beneath the list, there are 3 buttons:

View Details: This screen displays an electronic copy of the job sheet for this operation.

It allows you to view the manufacturing instructions, along with any notes as defined on the works order operation.

Log On: This button will allow you to scan on to another operation.

Note: This option will be greyed out if the setting to allow a user to log on to multiple operations simultaneously is disabled.

Log Off: Once you have finished working on the operation, press this button to process the time taken and quantity completed.

On the screen that loads, enter the quantity you have completed. and press Confirm to log off the job and post the booking.

Note: Depending on the ‘Automatically Post Operation Times’ setting, the booking may be automatically posted to the works order or may be posted to a timesheet that can be reviewed from within Cim200.

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