
Home > Knowledgebase > Cim50 > Quotations > Orders > Raise Proforma Orders

Raise Proforma Orders

If you would like to create a Proforma Sales Order within Sage 50 Accounts from the Quotation, the process is similar to creating a Sales Order, in this scenario the you will need to select ‘Proforma’ within the ‘Type’ option in the middle of the screen.

All other aspects of the screen remain the same as creating a Sales Order. The confirmation will show that a Proforma will be created. Within the Sage 50 Accounts Sales Order list, the ‘Type’ is shown as Pro. This would need to be changed to a Sales Order in Sage 50 Accounts if at a later stage you wish to run MRP against the order or dispatch and create an Invoice.

Raising Proforma Orders for Prospect Quotations

If you are raising a Proforma Order for a Prospect quotation, when you click Create and confirm that you wish to raise the order, you will be presented with a pop-up informing you that must select an existing customer account or create a new customer account before the order can be raised.

You will then be taken to a screen where you can select an existing customer account. This screen has a search option to help you locate the relevant customer account. Click Select to choose an existing account.

Alternatively, you can create a new customer account by clicking on the Create New Customer option.

Selecting this option will present you with a screen where in you can enter key account information necessary to raise the proforma order.

Once you have entered all the desired information, click the Select button. This will create a new customer account in Sage 50 and raise the proforma order against that new account.

Note: The information available when creating a new account is the minimum required to enable the sales order to be created.

We recommend interrogating the new account in Sage 50 and amending any other relevant customer information relevant for invoicing and payments etc.


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