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Actioning MRP Recommendations

Actioning an MRP Recommendation is the process from which a recommendation to purchase or manufacture stock becomes a new purchase order or works order.

You can action a works order by highlighting one or more recommendations from the MRP Recommendations list view, and then selecting Process > ‘Action’.

Alternatively, you can also right click on a recommendation and select ‘Action’ from the right click menu.

Once you have the ‘Action’ screen open you are presented with 2 action points with several options:

Quantity to Action: This point will determine the quantity that will be used when generating the purchase/works order(s). There are 2 options available to select from:

Recommended Order Quantity: The quantity that the MRP process has recommended. This quantity is calculated based on the demand quantity and the MRP/Supplier order rules put in place on the relevant stock record.

Demand Quantity: The exact quantity required to satisfy the demand, regardless of any supplier/MRP rules in place on the relevant stock record.

You can see both the Recommended Order Quantity and the Demand Quantity values in the MRP Recommendations list view.

Associated Recommendations: This point determines which recommendations you wish to action. There are 4 options to select from:

Action Selected Recommendations Only: Action only the recommendations that were highlighted in the MRP Recommendations list when the ‘Action’ menu option was selected.

Action Selected Recommendations and ALL Descendants: Action the selected recommendations that were highlighted in the MRP Recommendations list when the ‘Action’ menu option was selected, plus any recommendations that were raised because of those recommendations being generated.

Action Selected Recommendations and MANUFACTURED Descendants: Action the selected recommendations that were highlighted in the MRP Recommendations list when the ‘Action’ menu option was selected, plus any manufacture recommendations that were raised as a result of those recommendations being generated.

Action Selected Recommendations and PURCHASED Descendants: Action the selected recommendations that were highlighted in the MRP Recommendations list when the ‘Action’ menu option was selected, plus any purchase recommendations that were raised as a result of those recommendations being generated.

 A descendant is a recommendation that has been generated because of another recommendation. For example, if we had a recommendation to raise a works order for 100 Maple Desks, that would also generate a demand to manufacture 100 Maple Drawsets, which would generate a demand to purchase 100 Lock Sets. Depending on stock and replenishment availability those demands generated for the Drawsets and Lock Sets may also generate a recommendation. If so, that recommendation would be a descendant of the recommendation for the Maple Desks.

To action the recommendation, press the OK button.

Note: If you are actioning a manufacture recommendation, depending on your works order settings you may be presented with a screen to define the works order numbers for the works orders that will be generated.

Similarly, you may also be presented with a screen where you can provision batch or serial numbers for the works orders being generated.

Once the action has completed, you will be returned to the MRP Recommendations list. The recommendations that were actioned will show a new status of ‘Actioned’. The recommendations will be highlighted in green in the list view, indicating they have been processed, and the ‘Order Reference’ column will display the Works Order or Purchase Order number that was generated from the recommendation.

Once a recommendation has been actioned, you will be unable to amend, combine, split, or action the recommendation.

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