
Inspect Operation

To process an operational inspection, use this screen to record the quantity that has been passed and/or failed.

Inspect Operation

Open: > Works Orders > Operational Inspections > Inspect Operation

Open: > Works Orders > Operational Inspections > Operational Inspection List

Highlight a Operational Inspection record on the Operational Inspection List and click Inspect Operation.


Operational Inspection

Op. Inspection No: Sequential number for Operational Inspection record.
Outstanding Qty: Displays the quantity that are outstanding for inspection.Total Inspection Qty: Display how many items require inspection.Remanufactured Qty: Display the quantity that failed inspection and have been flagged for remanufacture.

Status: The current status of the inspection.


Operation Details

Works Order: The associated Works Order document number.
Stock Code: The Stock Item Code that is being manufactured on the Works Order.Operation Reference: The associated operation reference.Operation Description: The associated operation description.

Quarantined By : The username who recorded the transaction which triggered the Operational Inspection.

Quarantined Date: The date the inspection record was created..



Total Passed Quantity: The total quantity that have passed inspection.

This Inspection Passed Qty: The quantity that has passed the current inspection. If any have failed, or not yet been inspected, this quantity will be lower than the total quantity to inspect.

Inspection Date : The date of the inspection. This defaults to today’s date.

Inspection Notes : Enter any additional notes to record against this inspection.

Were any Rejected? : Click Yes to enable the rejection details area.

Total Rejected Quantity: The total quantity that have failed inspection.

This Inspection Rejected Qty: The quantity that has failed the current inspection. The total of the quantity passed and rejected must not exceed the quantity to inspect.

Inspection Date : The date of the rejection. This defaults to today’s date.

Write Off Category : If rejected stock was written off, it will be removed from Quarantine either as a Stock Write Off transaction or a Purchase Return. Select the Write Off Category to assign to the write off, if stock wasn’t returned to the supplier.

Rejection Notes: Enter any additional notes to record against this rejection.

Scrap and Remanufacture? : Defaults to No, selecting Yes will result in the Operation Quantity Outstanding on the Works Order (and any prior operations) increasing to reflect the quantity rejected.

To view works order details, click View Works Order.

Once all details of the inspection have been recorded, click Save to save the inspection.

Results Tab

If the operation has an inspection template attached, the Results Tab will be enabled.

When the operation enters Operational inspection, the current inspection template will be used for the inspection.

Please note: Any changes to the inspection template will not result in changes to Inspection questions for the operational inspection record.

Select a question from Dropdown or navigate between the questions using the buttons.

Inspector: – Displays if any user can perform inspection, if Restricted, the inspector will need to be named or part of an Inspector Group.

Data Type: – Displays in which format the data will need to be entered



There can be multiple results for one inspection question. Who entered the result will be displayed on Tested By and the date the result entered in Last Test Date.

Click Add Results: If there are pass/fail conditions defined, when entering results and the result falls into one of these conditions, Pass/Fail will be displayed. Should there be no Pass/Fail conditions or they are not met, user will have an option to tick Pass tick box to allow the stock item to pass the inspection.

Notes: Every result entry can have individual notes in addition to the results. This will display on Inspection Notes when viewing the results.

Edit Results: Results can be edited until the stock has been either failed or passed into another location.

Remove Result: Results can be removed until the stock has been either failed or passed into another location.


Please note: If the question is restricted for certain inspectors/ inspector groups, only employees authorised can enter results.


Mandatory: All mandatory questions must be answered before the stock can pass the quarantine inspection.

Once all the mandatory questions have passed, the smallest number of mandatory questions can result in passing inspection.

Failing inspection can happen in any question.

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